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A Smart surgical robot is here? (Vicarious Surgical)

Dr. Hafssa

A new generation of surgical robots is digging its way. One of the concepts of intelligent robots, combining the benefits of minimally invasive robotic surgery and virtual reality, is The vicarious Surgical Robotic System.

This robot aims to combine robotics and virtual reality to develop a new tool for minimally invasive surgery. Its system offers nine degrees of freedom per arm with 360° visualization, all possible thanks to a 1.5 cm incision.

Source: Vicarious Surgical

The robot’s arms are designed to reproduce human motion, making the system intuitive for surgeons.

Immersive 3D visualization using virtual reality technology creates advanced stereoscopic imaging of the patient’s anatomy and full responsiveness to surgeon motion.

Adam Sachs, co-founder, and CEO of Vicarious Surgical said, “Our robot can see, reach and work anywhere inside the abdomen. Our system goes through a standard door, which makes it portable between the different operating rooms, and does not require a large footprint or the construction of facilities.”

Intelligent surgical robots can contribute to a huge improvement in minimally invasive surgery, thus decreasing the entrance doors of the robotic arms, which means less post-operative pain for the patient with rapid recovery.

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